Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mulled to the max wine recipe

Mulled to the max wine

    1 bottle of red wine
    150ml Grand Marnier
    100ml brandy
    1 orange, peeled using a potato peeler
    1 lemon, peeled using a potato peeler
    4 tbsp clear honey
    3cm piece of root ginger, chopped
    1 tsp whole allspice
    1 cinnamon stick
    ½ tsp whole cloves
    ½ tsp or a couple of blades of whole mace (if you can't find it in the spice section, leave it out)

    Slowly heat the alcohols in a large saucepan and gently simmer for about 10 minutes. Add the orange and lemon peels, honey, ginger and spices, then remove from the heat and let it infuse for at least 20 minutes. Before serving, reheat gently, then strain into a jug.
recipe -

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